For day 4 of National Apprenticeship Week 2024, we spoke with one of our active learners who is currently still on his apprenticeship and is due to go through his End Point Assessment in June this year. We asked Kevin how he's getting on and how he's finding the apprenticeship, see what he said below:
What encouraged you to enrol onto an apprenticeship?
I decided to enrol onto an apprenticeship because I felt that within my old job in the care sector I went as far as I could go. I was promoted etc but could not go any further, so it was a dead end. I wanted to do something that was more challenging and that I could gain new skills and qualifications and something different from either care or my previous retail jobs. So, it was a completely new challenge and was out of my comfort zone, so OVO popped up and I had heard good things from some of my pals who do a similar thing for British Gas, so thought I’d give it a go!
Can you tell us a bit more about the apprenticeship you’re currently undertaking?
I am currently undergoing a smart metering apprenticeship, which has taught me about understanding working with gas and electric and being able to change meters within the home. I am currently out working on my own, but I have a good team in my area so always people on hand with advice.
How are you finding being an apprentice?
I enjoy it at the moment, as I said before its very different to what I am used to, but its good. I just wish I could learn everything that you could come across straightaway, but every day is a school day and always learning new things or seeing something that is not the norm, but when you do a good job and smash it out there is a good sense of achievement.
How did you find training at Universal Skills?
I really enjoyed USG, the staff were great and always on hand for a chat or a laugh. I could be myself when there, the training given was thorough and I never felt stupid when I asked the same questions daily. I liked my training as it was not strict and we weren’t made to feel like a child. The setting was nice, and the workshops were good to be in. My tutor was great as well as all the supporting staff who were always up for a giggle.
How are you planning for your End Point Assessment?
I will be planning this by just researching what I need to learn and using information provided by USG and what to work on, I’m still a little way away from that at the moment.
Any plans on upskilling in the future? If so, what would it be and why?
At the moment I am just focusing on my new job role and aiming to do this job well and to the best of my ability. If to upskill, it would be looking at 3 phase metering and then maybe onto EV. As my main motivation was to do something new when I applied for this, it was just another step in that direction.
Would you recommend doing an apprenticeship to anyone? If so, why?
I would, as I was recommended by someone else who said it was a good gig. It’s good to learn and gamble sometimes if you feel like you’re stuck in a rut. It is hard work but once it’s done its great. I had a good laugh with the other people on my course and this of course helped as it was very socially interactive, and they helped support each other too. It was a good laugh as well as feeling like you have achieved something.

Happy National Apprenticeship Week 2024. We hope this encourages you to upskill into something new.