What are the benefits of Air Source Heat Pumps over a Gas Boiler?

What Positive Effect Can They Have On The Planet?

One of the key advantages of heat pumps is their efficiency. In fact, they can be up to four times more efficient than traditional gas boilers, underscoring their energy consumption superiority. With every 1kwh of energy put into a heat pump, you'll achieve 4kwh of heat; however, with a gas boiler, 1kwh creates 0.9kwh of heat.

If you want to reduce your carbon footprint and do your part for the earth, you can install a heat pump. This is preferable to a boiler, which can cause more pollution.

Air Source Heat Pumps Can Save You Money.

By switching to a heat pump and a SMART tariff, you could see significant savings on your energy bills, potentially hundreds, compared to the standard gas boiler. Unlike gas boilers, which typically last 10-15 years, Heat Pumps have a lifespan of around 20 years, providing long-term energy efficiency and comfort.

The government offers a £7.500 grant towards your Air Source Heat Pump, which you're probably eligible for. The boiler upgrade scheme will provide grants for individuals looking to make the switch as part of their efforts to strive towards net zero. Check if you're eligible for the grant here.

How Does An Air Source Heat Pump Work?

The heat pump

The heat pump is located outside the home and works to extract energy from the outside air.

The internal heating system

This heating system is the water system that runs through your pipes and heats your home. Hot water travels throughout your home, warming your radiators and underfloor heating if necessary.

The water tank 

The water tank stores the heated water, which offers a constant supply for water usage throughout the home.

So, Why Are We Seeing So Many Households Making The Switch?

Many homeowners are making the decision to have an energy-efficient home with no carbon emissions, which can also save them money.

This innovative technology harnesses the power of renewable energy to provide efficient and sustainable warmth for your home. Unlike gas or oil boilers, they produce minimal carbon emissions, contributing to a cleaner environment and combating climate change. Households switching to Air Source Heat Pumps are actively reducing their home's carbon footprint.

Considering these factors, heat source air pumps offer a range of benefits over traditional gas boilers, making them a preferable choice for environmentally conscious homeowners looking for efficient and cost-effective heating solutions in the UK.

Adding this service to your business is crucial to staying current with evaluating renewable energy sources.  
Thanks to a government grant, we currently have £500 off your Air Source Heat Pump course at our Wakefield centre. Please click here to book or contact one of the team; we will gladly help.

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